s e d s c h o o l

Scholastic Area

Scholastic Area

Subject 80 Marks (Written Examination) Students has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject. Periodic Test       (10 Marks) Notebook submission (5 Marks) Subject Enricment Activity (5 Marks)
Language-1 School/Board will conduct Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject. Marks and Grades Both will be awarded for individual subjects. Periodic Written Test, restricted to three in each subject in an academic year. Average of the best two tests to be taken for final marks Submission. This will Cover: -Regularity         -Assignment Completion         -Neatness & Upkeep of Notebook Speaking and listing skills
Language-2 Speaking and listing skills
Science Practical Lab Work
Mathematics Maths Lab Practical
Social Science Map Work and Project Work


Periodic Test (10 Marks):
The school will conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. Three tests will be held as on being the Mid-term Test and other the two being Pre Mid and Post Mid-Term with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The school will take the average of the best two for final marks submission.

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